
Mia Dreese heeft vele jaren concerten en lecture/recitals gegeven in West- en Oost-Europa, Israël, Amerika en Australië met verschillende ensembles, zowel op de moderne Böhmfluit als op de 18de- en 19de-eeuwse kleppenfluiten. Ook speelde zij een soloprogramma op acht verschillende typen fluiten. 

Haar einddiploma behaalde zij cum laude voor fluit en traverso bij Frans Vester aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium in Den Haag, waarna zij masterclasses bij Marcel Moyse en William Bennett volgde. Haar conservatoriumstudie werd bekroond met de Prix d’Excellence (tegenwoordig Nederlandse Muziekprijs). 

Zij werd onderscheiden met de Zilveren Fock-medaille en de Zilveren Vriendenkrans van de Vereniging van Concertgebouw-vrienden.

Mia Dreese was 25 jaar docent fluit, traverso, fluitmethodiek en -didactiek aan het Noord-Nederlands Conservatorium. Tegenwoordig leidt zij o.a. kandidaten op voor eindexamens van de Schumann Akademie. 

Van de oprichting in 1992 tot 2007 was zij voorzitter van het Nederlands Fluit Genootschap, waar zij nu erelid van is. Van 1992-2018 was zij hoofdredacteur van het kwartaaltijdschrift FLUIT.
Mia Dreese is in 2018 onderscheiden als Ridder in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau.

Mia Dreese studied flute with Frans Vester at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, the Netherlands, where she received the First Prize with Distinction. She consequently studied barock flute with Frans Vester and Frans Brüggen. In 1976 she was awarded the Prix d'Excellence (the highest award in The Netherlands). She has taken part in various masterclasses in Europe, including those of Marcel Moyse and William Bennett.
In 1972 and 1977 she won the Silver Fock-Medal Prize and the Silver Vriendenkrans Prize of the Concertgebouw.

Mia Dreese has performed in chamber music ensembles, as well as with piano, harp, guitar and the Diabelli Ensemble. She has performed professionally on both modern and historic instruments, including the traverso and the romantic keyed flutes. 
One of her solo programs included eight different flutes which date from the Middle Ages to the present.
She has performed in concert halls and on radio and television throughout Europe, America and Australia, including a television production of P. Maxwell Davies' 'Eight Songs for a Mad King'.
Mia Dreese has been a professor of flute at the North Netherlands Conservatory for 25 years and now teaches flute, traverso and the historical development of the flute privately. She has been a member of the National Music Examination faculty, and was often asked to be a member of the jury at competitions. 
Mia Dreese was  founding president of the Dutch Flute Society 1992-2007 and from 1992-2018 chief editor of the quartely FLUIT.
In 2018 Mia Dreese received a Royal decoration. She was appointed Knight in the Order of Oranje-Nassau by His Majesty the King of the Netherlands .